Sunday, June 13, 2010

Vuvuzela Drama

Word on the street is that Fifa is considering banning vuvuzelas. Seriously? With so many empty seats, does killing the fan's ability to demonstrate their enthusiasm really the best move?


  1. Really?! Maybe they think it will help increase the number of goals. It seems like a stretch, but maybe they oughta try whatever hairbrained strategy, given that this World Cup is well below average for goal count. And more goals might make up what the banned vuvusela lost as far as fans' enthusiasm.

  2. P.S. Did y'all know that Ghana's coach is Serbian?!

  3. I heard that some of the French players complained to the officials that they could not hear each other on the field because of the vuvuselas . I think they are just making excuses for not winning. It would be sad if they were banned.
