Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heartbreak for South Africa

Tough day for Spain and South Africa. The Switzerland win was a shocker - all 18 of us picked Spain. I still don't understand how Spain managed to lose that game. If Xabi Alonso's rocket shot had been 6 inches lower, I think it would have ripped a hole in the net! The Swiss are a pretty boring team to watch - they basically clog the box with big guys. They deserved to win, I suppose, but it would be such a shame if Switzerland advances over Spain. Like in 2006, I'm not sure Switzerland will let in another goal in the Group Stage, which would mean they would end up with at least 5 points, so Spain will have to win both remaining games to advance.

Things are not looking good for South Africa. They are almost certainly going to be the first host nation not to advance out of the group - so much for my predictions in Group A! I still don't think Uruguay is as good as the commentators think they are (they were ooing and ahhing over them during the game), but it looks like they're going to advance. Only Carla, Hallie, and Giovanni correctly picked the Uruguay win today. Standings after todays games:

John: 12
Giovanni: 10
Carla, Corinne, Joseph: 9
Kit, Phil, David, Hallie: 8
Chris, Alex: 7
Jeremy, Cara, Ali, Tom: 6
Taylor, Dean: 5
Paul: 4

Who would have thought that after the opening games, North Korea and New Zealand would each have more goals than Spain and France combined!

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