Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brasil in Haiti

Hi kids.  I arrived in Port-au-Prince a couple of days ago to find it carpeted in Brazilian flags.  Flags from houses, flags from cars, flags from motorcyles, flags from telephone wires, flags on bosoms.  It's both thrilling and, frankly, puzzling.

Haitians are die-hard Brazilian football fans.  Apparently, when Brazil came to Haiti to play their national team, Haitians cheered for Brazil.  I tried to figure ot where this support originates from (to be fair, there are also at least six Argentina fans in the country), but no one can explain it to me.  There's no Brazilian influence in music, dance, film, language, or anything else.

During today's match, I had a delay of a few seconds on my TV but could tell Brasil was about to score from the roar of the entire city celebrating outside.  Unreal.

Go figure.  Go Brazil!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carla! Great to hear from you in Haiti! And what a good coincidence that Haitians are Brazilian football fans! Let us know if you uncover any insights as to the origins of their Brazilian fan-dom. Hope everything's going well and that you're finding adequate time to watch the matches!

    P.S. Would love to hear more about what you're up to (in general and in Haiti) sometime or other... but doesn't need to be on the WC blog.
