Saturday, June 19, 2010

This sums up how slow and ugly Rooney & England have been so far!

Easy there Ribery! I know you're upset that France sucks so much, but a cleat to some of your teammates (including yourself!) would be more deserved! (By the way, apparently Anelka was just kicked off the French team for arguing with his coach. It's hard to imagine things getting even worse for France!).

So far this is the goal of the tournament for me!


  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. I am still perplexed by how Donovan was able to make that shot with such an impossible angle. Truly beautiful.

  2. I thought Landon Donovan got the tempo going with his spectacular goal from an almost impossible angle. What a shot! I am expecting to see some more goals from the U.S. in the next match. Also, I would like to see Altidore play better. I was impressed by his performance in the qualifiers.

  3. Ivory Coast looked good against Portugal. I wish they played better against Brazil, who played well and had some nice goals. I think Drogba's header into the net was the best goal of the game. Did anyway else notice that he wasn't wearing a cast?
