Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Standings through 14 games

I missed most of the Brazil - North Korea game. 2-1! What?! Maybe North Korea and New Zealand, the consensus worse teams in the tournament, are not that bad! (I'd say Greece takes the cake so far!). Here are the current standings:

John: 11
Corinne, Giovanni: 9
David, Joseph: 8
Carla, Phil: 7
Kit, Chris, Alex, Hallie: 6
Jeremy, Cara, Ali, Tom: 5
Dean, Taylor: 4
Paul: 3

The Singleton household is looking pretty good (John+Corinne = 20 points total). Should have had Oliver make some picks too!

1 comment:

  1. I had the fortune/misfortune of watching the entire Brasil v N. Korea match. What to say? It reminded me that to be a Brasil fan is to suffer the anguish of beautiful plays that promise goals but then leave me hanging. Torture.

    I would have liked a 5-0 win. But a 2-1 win was entirely fair:
    BRASIL: Robinho's footwork was magic, shots on goal were from well outside the box and were meters wide of the goal, Maicon's goal was the stuff of legend, balls were passed to....no one. This team plays like they all just met each other.

    N. KOREA: They showed what can happen when you train as a team for 6 months (probably with the promise of extra rations and the threat of solitary confinement) and your defense is comprised of ten men. They handled Brasil very well. And their goal was lovely.

    Looking forward to seeing both these teams play again.

    Bend it like Maicon!
