Thursday, June 17, 2010

Viva Mexico!

That was a well-deserved victory for "El Tri"! Given their level of talent, France is terrible! No cohesion, no creative or quick passes, just a bunch of expensive players doing nothing. The 1-0 loss to China in a friendly three weeks ago should have been a red flag to all you suckers who picked France to win this group!

The Greece win today is a bit of a surprise. I'm fairly confident the result would not have been the same had Greece not had a 1-man advantage, but congratulations to Tom for being the only one in the pool to pick that one correctly!

Anyone catch the Argentina vs. Korea game this morning? Argentina is looking good, and you have to love what Messi can do with the ball!

Standings through todays games:

John: 14
Joseph, Giovanni: 11
Carla, Corinne: 10
Kit, Phil, David, Hallie: 9
Jeremy, Chris, Alex, Tom: 8
Cara, Ali: 7
Dean, Taylor: 6
Paul: 5


  1. i was surprised by how sucky France looked

  2. I think Mexico has some great players, like Giovani Dos Santos, Javier Rodríguez, and the legendary Cuauhtémoc Blanco, who is overweight but still amazing to watch.
