Saturday, June 12, 2010

Boring England

One of the great comments on the BBC Sport Debate website:

"What a complete load of rubbish. I watched the match in the pub in Germany DESPERATE for something to be proud of after the awful, boring, scaredy-cat football we saw at Germany 2006. Capello - one of the best managers in Europe? What a laugh. He puts on Green and MINUTES before the game and looks what happens. He puts on King, looks what happens. He puts on Milner - look what happens. A complete joke. Capello has no idea but you know what? I feel sorry for Capello - he can't cure the English disease. I have been following England for nearly 40 years (God help me) but he can't. I said at the time (many moons ago) that Capello wasn't the right choice. I stick by what I said even though I wavered in my opinion in the qualification. I said back then that Capello wouldn't solve the English problem because A. he is too conservative, B. only experienced at club level. We need A. someone to revolutionize (not tinker with) English football and B. someone who knows how to win a world cup.

England were completely useless tonight - the USA were scarcely better. Rooney did nothing but huff and puff (I guess at least he did that), Gerrard was ok for the first 10 minutes. Green was just being a typical English goalie....following in his precedessor's footsteps. Heskey was ok. But we shouldn't focus on individual errors. The fact is it was typical England - nervous, rubbish football. Giving the ball away for fun. Long passes to nowhere.........But what's new?

Any yet, I don't understand it..... Jürgen Klinsmann and Löw revolutionized German football - changed the whole way they play. People say that anyone can make a mistake - oh yeah? When was the last time you saw a German goalie make a mistake?"

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I agree - it looks like the boring 2006 England team all over again. I'm not sure they're going to solve "the English problem" this World Cup, but I still think they'll win this group.
