Wednesday, May 26, 2010

US 23-man roster

Bradley just announced the US 23-man roster:

The only big surprise is that Brian Ching, a experienced and proven forward, was left off the roster while Edson Buddle and Robbie Findley made the team. For those of you who followed the US qualification, you're probably thinking "who the heck are Buddle and Findley?" These guys are fast, but they came out of nowhere and have almost zero experience with the national squad. We're now left with one proven forward - Jozy Altidore (I love Jozy, but there are probably 13 or so Argentine forwards who are better). I'm guessing he will play solo up front, with Donovan and Dempsey pushing forward during attacks. Altidore fatigues towards the end of games and is typically replaced. By who?? No Charlie Davies, no Ching, not even Conor Casey. I'm a little nervous about this. Also, Onyewu did not look strong against the Czechs last night - we need him to be in top form because the defense is looking a little shaky. Good to see Demarcus Beasley back on the squad!

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