Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ESPN gets right to Euro Championships!

Every match of Euro 2012 and 2016 will be broadcast on ESPN! This is excellent news for soccer-deprived Americans like me. I will definitely round up another betting pool for Euro 2012!


On another note, as a Liverpool fan, I must say that I am sorry to see Fernando Torres leave, especially to my least favorite team (Chelsea). However, Liverpool got top-dollar for him, despite the fact that he really hasn't been the same player since his injury last spring. Liverpool essentially got 2 for 1: Suarez and Carroll (very talented young strikers) for Torres. I hated Suarez last summer for his dirty, classless handball against Ghana (which ended up winning the game for Uruguay), and not to mention the fact that he is coming off of a suspension for biting an oponent, but I'll give him a chance. Also, I am very much rooting for Michael Bradley to kick-ass with Aston Villa.

1 comment:

  1. I think Suarez has a lot of potential for Liverpool - right now he is more exciting to watch than Torres, who has not pulled his own weight for Liverpool this season. I think the 2 for 1 was a smart deal. I look forward to seeing Carrol play. Since he's the 18th most expensive outlay in the history of the game, I expect good things from him.

